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About The Training
We understand that many people aspire to serve as allies for the LGBTQIA+ community, but they just don't know where to start. Our Queer and Trans Allyship Training provides an honest and comprehensive guide on how to respect, serve, and value Queer people in the workplace and beyond.
Queer people reside in our communities, families, and workplace, and it is imperative that we work towards learning how to cater and respect Queer peoples' needs. Our training is designed for people who, although may not identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community, want to learn more about the Queer community and how to support them. We provide a safe space for people learn and ask questions regarding the Queer community.
This training is offered both in person and virtually for organizations, businesses, and large groups.

What's Included
A comprehensive training on Queer terminology, issues, and how to serve as an ally for the Queer community.
An open question & answer section
to safely ask any questions you have regarding the Queer community from a Queer identifying person.
A take home guide
on how to continue serving as a Queer & Trans Ally beyond this training.
We educate social justice oriented professionals on how to be an ally for Queer & Trans people.
K-12 school staff and educators
Higher education staff and professionals
Healthcare professionals
Social justice oriented non-profits
Social justice oriented businesses
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